Sunday 1 March 2015

10 Reasons Why Popcorn Is Your Best Friend

I think it's about time I share one of Queen G's many passions with you.  We hear that Queen G has a special place in her heart for a light, fluffy snack - Popcorn.  Popcorn is delicious and never fails to satisfy.  Fun Fact: G's favourite flavour of popcorn is Salted microwavable popcorn.

Here are 10 reasons why popcorn is your best friend:
  1. It listens to all your problems without interrupting or judging you.
  2. It's a fast, it only takes roughly 3 minutes in the microwave.
  3. It likes all the same TV shows and movies as you.
  4. Compared to other snacks popcorn is relatively good for you which means you can eat a lot more of it before you get heart disease than you can with other snacks. 
  5. Also it takes ages for popcorn to fill you up so even when you're full you always have space for popcorn.
  6. The owners of Sea World hate popcorn so if you don't like popcorn then you basically support Sea World and all of the terrible things they do to the poor whales.
  7. Taylor Swift probably likes popcorn so technically every time you eat it you become a little more TayBae
  8. Almost 200 people die a year from choking on popcorn which makes it one of the top 5 most dangerous snacks so eating popcorn makes you super bad ass.
  9. Plus if you are eating lots of popcorn it means there is less popcorn in the world for other people to choke on so it also makes you really selfless!
  10. Unlike with chocolate, dogs can eat popcorn - within moderation, I mean I wouldn't pop a whole bag for them but a couple of pieces here and there is fine - so its a fun snack you can share with your dog when you are cuddling with them on a Saturday night, watching the notebook and crying about how you're going to be alone forever.
This list of reasons why popcorn is a lot of fun goes on but I shall not.  Suffice it to say that you should definitely get some more popcorn in your life right now, literally now.  Put on your walking shoes, take the the streets in the general direction of your nearest supermarket with like £3 in your pocket and get some popcorn in your life.  Macklemore said he only had $20 in his pocket so he went to the thrift shop but we reckon he would have been left feeling far more satisfied if he had went to Sainsbos and spent that $20 on popcorn.  He was happy poppin tags but G would rather pop some corn.

He should have popped some corn instead.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree, popcorn is a lot of fun. I want to add that salted microwave popcorn is the only type worth eating. Apart from toffee popcorn, also a fabulous choice. xxx Beth-Oh-La
