Saturday 28 March 2015

Insurgent: A Tale Of Hair Regret

Yo, Queen G here giving you the 411 that will make you go nuts.

So last week in between studying and taking long walks in the rarely seen Scottish sun B and I adventured out to one of our favourite hangouts - the cinema!  This time to see Insurgent - also known as Divergent 2: An Unfortunate Case Of Bedhead... Regardless of what the cool kids are calling it B and I can confidently say the movie was a lot of fun! 
You said it Tay!
Some of B and I's highlights include:
  • Ansel. Ansel, oh Ansel.  Tragic in everyway a person can be tragic.  The running, the inability to do anything remotely helpful, the innocent lost lamb look in those beautiful eyes.  If it wasn't for the fact that by the end of the film you were completely unforgivable I would have liked nothing more than to take you under my wing and shelter you from Kate and all the evils of the world!
  • Bedhead.  I couldn't help but shed a few tears and go through a brief mourning period for the loss of those beautiful long locks.  However, once I poured myself a drink, put on some lipstick and pulled myself together I was over it and I was able to fully appreciate what a wonderful crier Shailene Woodley is.  I see a bright future ahead for her and wait, wait, what't that noise?  Can you hear it too?  I believe it's an Oscar of the future calling out her name.
  • Miles, like Lorde, was a lot sillier than you'd first imagine!  He kept the lols coming and took everyone, or at least everyone who hasn't read the books, by surprise when he saved the day towards the end of the film! 3 for you Miles Teller, you go Miles Teller!
  • Theo, I couldn't help but wonder how much Theo would charge Sam Claflin for American Accent lessons because Theo's accent was on point.  
  • Kate.  Let's be real, I think we can all agree that her problem was never actually with the Divergents and that in the end all she really wanted was to be painted like a French girl once again #Wearingthis #Wearingonlythis
  • Naomi, what were you like 4 when Theo was born? Is that really where he got his name from? 
These were just a few of our thoughts on the film.  I really enjoyed it and can't wait to see it again!  over all I'd give the film a solid 9/10.

Fun fact: If I were in Divergent I would 100% be an Amity, brushing the horses, riding the horses, becoming one with the horses... Amity is basically one big horse camp.  B would like to think she is Dauntless but considering she's a 60% rule breaker and a 40% wanderer-offer she'd most likely end up factionless either from being asked to leave for rule breaking or from wandering off during the choosing ceremony before actually selecting a faction.

Until next time,
Queen G

1 comment:

  1. I love the Divergent trilogy! If I could choose which faction to grow up in, I would choose Amity, and then I would probably end up moving to Dauntless, Abnegation or stay in Amity. Its too hard to choose a faction!

