Friday 3 April 2015

The Story Of The One And Only Unicorn Princess

For Christmas on my 11th year I got a new pony, this was an extremely practical gift because horse back has always been my preferred method of travel!  Since I was 5 years old I'd ride my pony everywhere; to school, to the swamp, to my
castle on a cloud (where, fun fact, crying at all is not allowed! Not on my castle on a cloud!).  My new pony was called Surprise and she made all of the other ponies on the yard look like Darth Vader next to Sunshine Barbie!

We first hit a snag when it turned out that dear old Surprise had about as much energy as I did- and that, my dear readers, is about as much energy as a humble sloth!  I mean Surprise wouldn't even canter the whole way round the area without stopping when I first got her.  We hit our second snag when I discovered one day, mid trek, that Surprise had roughly 1 million fears and her greatest fear of all was cows... I should probably explain that I kept her on a dairy farm at this point in time so this was not the most practical fear for her to have (in fact this was about as practical as being a vegetarian shark #LennieTheWhaleWashingDolphin #SharkTale2k4).  I guess the positives to this was that I quickly became a pro rodeo rider, every cloud has a silver lining as Hugh Laurie's character in Stuart Little would say! (Fun fact, I LOVE Hugh Laurie and my friend B met him on a bus once!)
A face that could launch a thousand ships

Howdy Ma'am

Eventually Surprise and I were unbeatable and together we discovered that the limit does not exist, which allowed us to win the math championship for the Mathletes and then proceed on to win Prom Queen!
After a while we moved Surprise to a different stables - this posed another challenge for Surprise and I because this arena was at least double the size to the one at our last stables, would we manage to canter the whole way round? would we be beaten? would we prick our finger on a magic spinning wheel and die?  Who knew but all this uncertainty was new and exciting.  (Spoiler alert, Surprise would canter round that arena all day and all night long by this stage, she had the energy of Forrest Gump now... I was still a sloth)

On Wednesdays we wear pink
Surprise and I had a lot of fun for a few years jumping, treking, sharing secrets and waiting for an absolution that would never come until one terrible awful day.  As it would turn out my parents decided that Surprise was the hero that I deserved, but not the one I needed right now and it was decided that due to a few different reasons Surprise would have to be sold.  The story of us looked a lot like a tragedy now and I wasn't ready to say goodbye.  Eventually after searching high and low my parents and I found a lovely little girl who was perfect for Surprise and so Surprise sent out her change of address card and packed her bags.  The last day was a super emotional event and as Surprise entered the horse box my blood pressure probably dropped really low from all the fluid I was losing through my flood of tears.
Surprise looking cute
I continued to visit Surprise and watch her life through Facebook.  However, a couple of years after Surprise had been sold I received a message via Facebook informing my that sweet little Surprise had been put down due to having really bad colic.
I still miss my crazy little pony.  Like she was actually insane!  She would spin and run at everything, you couldn't let your guard down for even a second otherwise you'd be lying on the cold hard ground - and believe me, more than a handful of people ended up there because of her!  But she was unique and fluffy and basically an all round 12/10 type of gal! 
soaring, flying

There's no a star
in heaven that
we cant reach

The moral of the story is that I did my waiting. 12 11 years of it, in Azkaban and then I was rewarded with a magical, fluffy unicorn called Surprise.  

Until next time
Queen G


  1. Loved reading about your pony! So sorry to hear she is no longer around, but it sounds like both you and her next person gave her a wonderful life! She was adorable!

    1. Thanks! She was so much fun and I still miss her lots but at least I know she had a happy life :)
